Getting the Most Out of Your Phone Answering Service: Developing a Stellar Chiropractic Practice FAQs Sheet
One of the most important functions of a call answering service is assuring that your callers have their questions answered. To accomplish this, one of the tools call answering services utilize is the FAQ sheet that business owners provide.
Many chiropractic practice owners do not realize just how important and powerful their FAQs can be, whether it is information they provide on their website or the one utilized by their call answering service to help direct their customers. In fact, patients cite polite, knowledgeable, and responsive staff on the other end of the phone as a significant reason they choose one practice over another. This makes the right information very important.
Developing Your FAQ’s
It may seem a simple and straightforward task, but developing a great set of FAQs is anything but simple or straightforward. Here are some important points to help guide you in developing yours.
- It is less about you and more about them. Yes, patients call wanting to know about your practice but remember that the call is really about them and meeting their needs. Make sure that your questions and answers are patient-centric.
- Think about why most patients call. It is easy to get lost in a rabbit’s hole of questions and answers when developing your FAQ’s. Narrow it down by thinking about why most callers call your office. Once you know why then you can address questions around those needs.
- What would you want to know as a caller? Your callers might want to know the same thing.
- What do you wish callers knew? Sometimes callers do not know enough to know what to ask or may have common misconceptions. Address those in the FAQs so your answering service can guide callers in the right direction.
- What FAQ’s do competitors provide? Competitors may have a great idea, or seeing theirs may spark an idea for yours.
- Keep it positive. Every business has certain restrictions and limitations but instead of stating what you can’t or won’t do, state what you can and will.
- Don’t avoid the hard stuff. Some businesses may have harder questions to address. Don’t avoid them. Provide a straightforward answer. Often just having a live person politely addressing a difficulty can turn any disgruntled customer around.
Advantages of Using a call Center to Address FAQs
As a chiropractic business, you have many things to manage every day and all of them are of high importance. Every person that calls represents potential and needs your full attention. By using a call answering service available to answer your patients’ frequently asked questions, you save time, gain efficiency, and increase profitability.
Do you have questions about live call answering? Give us a call today! 844-720-1115