Today, modern acupuncture clinics typically offer a variety of additional, ancillary or similar services. Some of those services may be massage, herbal therapies, acupressure or even tea service.
Whether your clinic offers acupuncture exclusively or in conjunction with other services, the phone will always keep ringing and ringing with questions, scheduling requests or other issues.
Any medical provider knows that with patients, comes questions. And answering simple questions, even if only over the phone, can be endlessly time consuming.
Any quick internet research on ‘How to Pick an Acupuncturist’ will undoubtedly give a top ten style list with at least one common bullet point: Choose an acupuncturist you can effectively communicate with.
New patients considering an acupuncturist, will choose one that:
- Welcomes questions, listens deeply and answers in a way that is understood by the patient
- Gives intelligible responses to questions
- Makes patients feel comfortable and supports their informational needs
Accuracy with message taking is assured. This includes gathering all information necessary including the complete and correct spelling of names, conditions and treatments on every single call.
Each call is answered with a warm, professional demeanor from a highly trained agent that’s familiar with your practice, service offerings and call management preferences. Patients appreciate getting information and answers to questions without having to wait on hold, leave a voicemail or be directed to email. By handling incoming calls, practitioners can focus on patient care. With our answering service you have the flexibility to be as available as you want to be. If call volumes are heavier, our Agents can relieve the pressure.
At Midwest Answer, our 100% US based staff, is professionally trained to answer every call within a minimum number of rings, give the caller an enthusiastically consistent greeting, and to handle the call to your unique instructions.
It’s understood that your profession doesn’t allow for interruptions. The more you outsource your call handling to Midwest Answer, the more time you have for hands-on acupuncture patient care.
About Midwest Answer
Midwest Answer provides telephone answering and virtual receptionist services. For nearly 50 years they’ve handled calls for a variety of business sectors, 24/7/365. From call volumes of just a few per week to thousands per day. And entirely within US based call centers. With simple monthly pricing that doesn’t include contracts or hidden fees.